Academy Ecosystems
All-Around Culture is co-funded by the EU and implemented by L'Art Rue (Tunisia), Culture Ressources (Lebanon), MitOst (Germany) and MMAG Foundation (Jordan).
During the four years of All-Around Culture, we collected some methods and tools that can support facilitators and moderators to facilitate the development of authentic and sustainable partnerships. These tools can be used by different organisations, initiatives, collectives, and individuals to develop partnerships, come up with ideas, brainstorm, etc. The toolbox includes 20 tools that zusa has collected from various sources, adapted to its own needs and implemented in numerous programmes since 2012.
>> You can find in English the toolkit here and the collaboration canvas here.
The Ecosystems Academy is a cross-cutting resource center that connects all the learning needs and knowledge resources of this programme. The Academy team will facilitate the internal and external learning exchange to identify and respond to the learning needs of different stakeholders and actors involved in the programme.
The component offered:
▪ Learning methodologies based on peer-to-peer exchange, learning-by-doing and mentoring support;
▪ Methodological inputs and process design support for the regional networking meetings around diverse relevant topics including capacity-building, community development, partnerships and collaborations;
▪ Up to 3 Ecosystems Academy meetings and other learning activities to strengthen the awareness of the cultural ecosystem by mapping and reflecting on the diversity of the actors working in arts, culture and civil society in the Arab region, their roles and interconnections and how it contributes to the resilience of the sector;
▪ Facilitate knowledge transfer between different actors within the programme and disseminate adapted methodological approaches and lessons learned with the wider community.
Practical information
International Cooperation Project 2020-2024
4 ans
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From 15 to 19 March 2023 in Egypt
Second meeting of the Ecosystems Academy in EgyptIn the framework of the project All-Around Culture - ثقافة داير ما يدور -
from March 2020 to January 2023
All-Around Culture - Youth-led Initiatives Presentation -
All-Around Culture Presentation - ThoulathyCross-Border Collaboration Projects