All-Around Culture - Youth-led Initiatives Presentation

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All-Around Culture Programme aims to foster a vital cultural ecosystem as an enabling environment for social and economic inclusion of young people in seven countries across the Arab region including Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia, and Libyan and Syrian communities in these countries.

Co-funded by the European Union, All-Around Culture is a collaborative and interconnected programme which consists of 5 components implemented over a 4-year period. It supports cultural institutions and initiatives, as well as individuals, to build their capacity and increase their reach through funding, knowledge exchange and networking opportunities.

Within the framework of this international cooperation programme, L'Art Rue implements the component "Youth-led cultural and civic initiatives" and, together with MitOst, the component "Thoulathy", cross-border collaboration projects.

>>  Youth-led cultural and civic initiatives  

Youth-led Cultural and Civic Initiatives aims to encourage community and contextual projects through collaborative approaches, but also to increase the knowledge and capacity of young artists, collectives and cultural actors from disadvantaged areas on developing contextual work and community engagement in cultural and civic activities.

This program offers :

    * Up to 32 research grants and 23 production grants to support youth-led cultural and civic initiatives to implement community and contextual art production.

    * Two back-to-back collaborative labs, where 16 artists, collectives and cultural actors exchange experiences and build capacity in cultural and civic project development using community and contextual methodologies; 

    * Personalized guidance, networking and support opportunities.

 Youth-led Cultural and Civic Initiatives Research Grants   

In this context, after opening a call for applications in autumn 2020 and receiving over 350 applications, L'Art Rue selected 31 projects for a 9-month research phase.

From April to December 2021, these 31 project leaders from 7 countries (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan) received a research grant as well as coaching to accompany them in the reflections and design of their project.

This research phase ended with a 5-day collective meeting in Tunis at the beginning of November 2021, where the laureates were able to meet each other, meet several experts, work together and envisage the production phase, which constitutes a second stage of work for 23 of the 31 selected projects.

  Youth-led cultural and civic initiatives Production Grants 

This second phase of work began in April 2022 for 23 projects selected under the Production Grant. The winners of the production grant are

> for Morocco: Collectif Kounaktif, Imane Djamil & Fatine Arafati, Nouha Ben Yebdri 

> for Algeria: Reda Mehenni, Fethi Sahroui

> for Tunisia: Saif Chida, Kaouther Benlakhdar & Alessandro Rivera Magos, Mohsen Bchri, Moad Musbahi (project in Tunisia and more in Algeria)

> for Egypt : Beyn Collective, Léon Dubois & Mohamed Gohar, Nadine & Nouran Sameh, Dataland, Sara Hamdy 

> for Palestine: Moayed Abu Ammouna, Yasmine & Sereen Khass

> for Lebanon: Toni Geitani, Safea Altef, Ibrahim Nehme, Haven for Artists

> for Jordan: Bahaleen, Dalal Mitwally, Mazen Alali

> > From June 3 to 9, L'Art Rue invited the 23 artists, activists and researchers who are beneficiaries of the "Youth-led Cultural & Civic Initiatives" programme to meet and exchange with the mentors who will accompany them throughout this production phase.

This week of residency in Amman marked the final stage of the project, which ends in January 2023. It will be dedicated to the sharing of experiences, ideas and questions faced by the beneficiaries throughout the realisation of their project.

>> To know more...

> Discover the 31 projects of the first stage of All Around Culture - Youth-led cultural and civic initiatives.

> To know more about the All-Around Culture - Youth-led Cultural and Civic Initiatives Laboratories held in Tunis in November 2021.

> To read about the mentoring residency in Amman that took place in June 2022 with the 23 artists selected for the production grant.
