Second meeting of the Ecosystems Academy in Egypt
In the framework of the project All-Around Culture - ثقافة داير ما يدور
All-About Culture-Thaqafa Daayer Maydoor is co-funded by the European Union and implemented by Culture Resource (Lebanon), L'Art Rue (Tunisia), MitOste.V. (Germany) and MMAG Foundation (Jordan).
The Ecosystems Academy is implemented by MitOst.
The second meeting of the Ecosystems Academy will take place in Egypt from March 15th to March 19th, 2023. This meeting brings together all the beneficiaries and the organizing cultural structures of the international cooperation project All-Around Culture - ثقافة داير ما يدور.
Thereby, the Ecosystems Academy is a multidisciplinary resource center that links all learning needs and knowledge resources of the programme. The Academy team facilitates internal and external learning exchange to identify and respond to the learning needs of the different actors and stakeholders involved in the programme.
This meeting aims to raise awareness on the cultural ecosystem by mapping it and highlighting the diversity of actors working in the domain of art, culture and civil society in the Arab region, their roles and interconnections and how that contributes to the resilience of the sector.
The international cooperation team of L'Art Rue will therefore be present during this time, since L'Art Rue establishes, as part of the All-Around Culture - ثقافة داير ما يدور program : Cultural and civic initiatives led by youth and Thoulathy: cross-border cooperation projects.
> Learn more about the Ecosystems Academy of All-around Culture
> Learn more about the global project All-around Culture - ثقافة داير ما يدور
Practical information
March 15th to March 19th, 2023 in Nuweiba, Egypt