Primary School rue El Marr - Medina de Tunis

L'Art Rue Organization

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For 12 months in 2017-2018, L'Art Rue, in collaboration with the 12.34 collective, is taking over the public primary school on rue El Marr in the medina of Tunis as part of the "Change ta Classe!" project.

After working with the children and teachers to gather their wishes/needs, the aim is to carry out a project to transform a school space into a space that is likely to make their daily lives more enchanting and dedicated to artistic practices (theatre, writing, plastic arts, dance, etc.).

This is followed by an in-depth diagnosis with the architects. And after several months of work and collaboration with a number of architects, designers and craftsmen, the new arts centre at the Rue El Marr school was able to open its doors to the children.

Practical information

Primary school rue El Marr - medina of Tunis, 2017-2018


12 months


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