Evaluation Report International Programme - BE PART

Production +

Art Beyond Participation - BE PART is a 4-year (2019-2023) initiative to develop audiences and organizations in the field of participatory artistic practices, implemented by 10 European and non-European partners. BE PART aimed to create a European network of co-authors, supported by artists and organizations, and to collectively foster new approaches and structures for the co-creation and mobility of works of art. BE PART is a practical and critical exploration of collaborative artistic creation and sharing.

We share with you today the Comprehensive Evaluation Report in English of this international cooperation programme BE PART and a synthesis in French and Arabic.

This document aims to highlight the main conclusions we have been able to draw during our four years of research under BE PART, a project co-financed by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, which took place from 2019 to 2023. Our goal is to bring this report to the attention of all those involved in the complex process of cooperation between artists, producers, participants and mediators. 

Practical information

Programme BE PART - Art Beyond Participation 2019-2023


4 years


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