Chargement de la programmation en cours...

A Pact with Waters - Commoning with Sejoumi

by Natural Contract Lab : Maria Lucia Cruz Correia, Margarida Mendes, Marine Calmet

Wednesday, 04 october - 10:00 AM

Forêt Ibn Sina

Thursday, 05 october - 10:00 AM

Oliveraie de Séjoumi

Friday, 06 october - 4:30 PM

L'Observatoire de Séjoumi

Distribution +
Production +
Partners +


Can we reactivate people’s engaged empathy about the Sebkhet Sejoumi while thinking together about water governance? How may we reconnect to this wetland to foster alliances, desires for commitment, and mobilization, while taking care of the living?

After the first stage of research consisting of mapping and raising awareness for environmental rights, together with activists and local communities, this work engaged in more relational and exploratory formats: landscape observation walks, the creation of a Lake guardians agora, and a series of conversation circles attending to rituals of reciprocal care... Taking the form a nomadic performance, A Pact with Waters - Commoning with Sejoumi is above all a gathering centered around and a common question: how to continue living in a damaged world.

The project has three phases:

▪ Sejoumi Guardians Agora

An encounter between citizens and Sejoumi lake guardians to introduce the rights of nature, weave alliances and Sebkha restoration strategies.

Wednesday 4 October from 10am to 1pm at the Ibn Sina Forest

> open to the public

▪ An alliance with trees

A sensorial and juridical gathering between olive trees along the banks of Sebkha Sejoumi 

Thursday 5 October from 10am to 12pm at the Séjoumi olive grove

> reserved for communities linked to Sebkhet Sejoumi

▪ A Shelter, an Offering 

Building a communal observatory and sanctuary for birds and lake contemplation through chanting

Friday 6 October from 4:30pm to 6:30pm at the Séjoumi Observatory

> reserved for communities linked to Sebkhet Sejoumi 

>> Download the Manifesto "For a wetland at risk: Sebkhet Séjoumi" in French or Arabic.

Practical information

Sejoumi Guardians Agora

October 4 from 10am to 1pm at Forêt Ibn Sina - Sebkhet Séjoumi /  Flamingo Forest (map

Free bus at 9am in front of the ONTT (map) - number of places limited

Free on-site parking (map)

Open to all public

Language : Simultaneous interpreting in French, English and Arabic


from 120 to 180 mins.

Price information



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