Is the climate crisis also a crisis of Imagination?

Turn2 Lab#3 Laboratory

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In the context of the Turn2 Lab#3 in Tunis, L'Art Rue is organising an online debate "Is the climate crisis also a crisis of Imagination?" as part of its DPDW programme Civic Space on Tuesday 30 May 2023 at 3pm Tunis time on its Facebook page.

Are we, artists, cultural operators, thinkers, activists and policy makers, living up to our responsibility in the face of global warming? Is it possible to turn around this inability ? Can we collectively imagine and propose other forms of human existence ?

L'Art Rue, in partnership with the German Federal Cultural Fund and the support of the Goethe Institut Tunis, launches a three-day gathering of curators, artists, thinkers and activists from Africa, the Middle East and Europe who could be putting the cultural and political struggle to save our planet at the heart of their cultural, intellectual and/or civic practice. With the aim of creating an informal network, in varied contexts, that considers this issue a common priority.

Moderated by Hedi Khelil (Tunisia) and Izabela Anna Moren (Italy)

Speakers: Faustin Linyekula (Democratic Republic of the Congo), Sibylle Neumeyer (Germany), Caroline Barneaud (Switzerland / France), Samie Blasingame (Germany)

Practical information

Tuesday 30 May 2023 at 3pm online on L'Art Rue's Facebook page -الشارع فن .

Price information

Gratuit en ligne sur la page Facebook de L'Art Rue -الشارع فن .


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