Al Moutawassit

cultural mediation as a meeting point

Partners +


Resulting from conversations between the education team of the thirteenth edition of the European nomadic biennial Manifesta in Marseille (France), the team of the Atelier de l'Observatoire in Casablanca (Morocco) and the team of L'Art Rue in Tunis, the Al Moutawassit project: cultural mediation as a meeting point was born from the common desire to consider the potential of critical pedagogy in the transformation of artistic practices, cultural mediation, curation and teaching on two shores of the Mediterranean.

In the form of an autumn university and despite a fragile health context, Al Moutawassita brought together 21 young professionals in contemporary art, formal education, research and social action living and working in Algeria, in France, Morocco and Tunisia, offering them visits to local initiatives between the four countries, plenary sessions led by experts, and group work.

The Al Moutawassit training was structured between October and November 2020 (then published in July 2021) around field visits where each participant was able to meet local initiatives in their country, using a contextual approach where mediation is essential.

This 1st stage was followed by an autumn university where for 1 week in November 2020, the 21 participants benefited from intensive online training. It consisted of different times, a pooling of the various field visits carried out in each country, interventions by cultural professionals bringing their vision and approach to cultural mediation, and group work times supervised by tutors. from each of the four countries.

A 3rd step, at the end of the intensive online training, consisted of group work for a month and a half in order to produce material for a publication, taking the form of writings, maps or visuals. . These different groups supervised by a tutor were set up by theme (Decentralizing knowledge / decolonial thinking / Mediation located and territorialized / Questioning methodologies / Mediation and Institution)

Finally in the summer of 2021 the culmination of the Al Moutawassit project consists of a publication bringing together all the work carried out, accompanied by texts, thoughts and observations of the participants, tutors, speakers but also of artists and professionals wishing to take part or share their thoughts on mediation.

Practical information

From October 2020 to July 2021

Price information

Free on application
