L'Art Rue hosts Aicha Ayoub for an artistic residency

From 18 to 23 November, 2023 at L'Art Rue

L'Art Rue

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Actress and director Aïcha Ayoub will be in an artistic residency at L'Art Rue to work on her project "Je veux vous parler d'humanité ".

Accompanied with Lobna Noomene and Luc Girardeau, the project deals with the issue of migration and exile through a dialogue between two temporalities.

In April 2022, artists Aïcha Ayoub and Lobna Noomene received a grant from L'Art Rue, for research / creation under the Tfanen programme; around the issue of migration and exile by engaging two temporalities: the story of the Spanish exiles in Tunisia, who arrived in the late 1930s and the contemporary story of young Tunisian harragas and sub-Saharan migrants in the Kerkenah Islands and Zarzis.

From this time of research was born a rich material that made it possible to build a draft of scenic work presented at the Tfanen Days 2022.  

More than a year later, strengthened by this experience and nourished by a subject in continuous research and mutation, the two artists pose themselves, for a second time of residency, hosted by L'Art Rue. This work will focus on the history of Spanish exiles in Tunisia through the figure of a Spanish writer and poet who lived in Tunisia, Elodia Zaragoza Turki. After a collaboration with the musician Mehdi Chakroun, the two artists will join the percussionist musician Luc Girardeau to try to write other scenic languages combining body, text, singing and music. The artists will explore this theme of exile through the question of memory and transmission in the strong bond between mother and child. 

This work will be the subject of an event that will take place at the Cervantes Institute in Tunis on Friday, November 24, 2023, at 6:30 pm, as part of the cultural activities of the Embassy of Spain in Tunisia. 

Practical information

Artistic residency at L'Art Rue from November 18 to 23, 2023.
