Samaa Wakim & Samar Haddad King

Samaa Wakim studied theatre at Haifa University. She has performed in various international productions, including Badke (A.M. Qattan Foundation, KVS and Les Ballets C de la B), I'm Yusuf and this is my brother (Shiber-Huren Young Vic Theatre, London) and Kabaret (Khashabi theatre, Haifa). She is also a member of the YaaSamar! Dance Theatre. Losing it is part of the Goethe Institute’s Un|ControlledGestures? project.


Samar Haddad King studied choreography at The Ailey School/Fordham University in New York and is the founder and director of YaaSamar! Dance Theatre. She was artist in residence at Chaillot – Théâtre national de la Danse in Paris and Resident Fellow and Toulmin Creator at New York University. She was responsible for the choreography for We Live in Cairo (American Repertory Theater, Boston) and published a chapter about dance in the Arab world in Contemporary Choreography (Routledge, 2018).


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