Our Sea, Choreography for a woman and a stone

by Lily Abichahine

When and where?

3 and 4 October 2022 from 10am to 1pm and from 3pm to 6pm Tourbet Sidi Boukhrissan

Tourbet Sidi Boukhrissan

“Our Sea” (“Mare Nostrum”) was the first political expression used to describe the fact that the Mediterranean Sea was entirely under the control of the Roman Empire. Today, the threatened inland sea is governed by multiple entities and segregated in different administrative, economic and political ways. Between Europe, Africa, Asia, the global north, the global south, the divisions are numerous and often deadly. 

Despite all their differences, Mediterranean countries share an ungraspable spirit that can be found in myths and collective narratives. Our Sea I: Choreography for a woman and a stone was the first station within a series of myths and realities explorations that took Lily Abichahine through the coastal cities of Palermo and Beirut across the Mediterranean Sea.

Practical information

Video of the performance to be seen during the "Between Land and Sea" summit on 3 and 4 October 2022 from 10am to 1pm and from 3pm to 6pm at Tourbet Sidi Boukhrissan.

Price information



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