Metamorphosis #2

by Essia Jaïbi

Friday, 29 october - 7:00 PM

L'Art Rue

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In the continuity of her live performance on DPDW Performance Room The Metamorphosis # 1, the director and theaterwoman Essia Jaïbi returns on Friday October 29, 2021 at 7 p.m. on the Facebook page of L'Art Rue with The Metamorphosis # 2.

- And what does your mother do?

- My mother plays!

For a long time, I wanted to believe that I knew my mother.

Well yes, she's MY mother.

In fact, it was I who made her mother, my mother.

When I was 4, I went to the theatre, I looked at the stage and my mother was 80 years old.

I was afraid, I ran away. Years later, I understood.

My mother is an actress.

Her job is to act, to transform herself, to metamorphose.

Now that I'm not four years old anymore, I wanted to play her.

The mother is always there, and the actress prepares to go on stage.

In the imaginary backstage, facing her infinite reflection, she is visited by her multiple metamorphoses.

- Say Mum, was that you on stage?

- Yes and no

- Tell me about it!

About Essia Jaibi

After studying theatre, drama and producing cultural projects in public spaces in Paris, Essia Jaibi returned to Tunis in 2017 to devote herself to creating outside and between walls. Through her research, her experimentations, and her creations, she questions, always in a provocative and insolent tone, the complexes and complexities of Tunisian society and aspirations of a new generation in search of identity, answers, and experiences. 

Among her creations : TUNIS SUR LE DIVAN (ANPU / TNT - 2015), UNE CHAMBRE À ELLES (Chouftouhonna Feminist Art Festival- 2016), LA NUIT DES ÉTOILES with Selim Ben Safia (2016/2017), BLACK FOREST (Goethe Institute - 2018), MADAME M. (Familia Productions - 2019), et ON LA REFAIT ! (Familia Productions/ Carthage Dance / Théâtre El Hamra / AFAC - 2019). 

Price information

Free online on the Facebook page L'Art Rue -الشارع فن
