"Fragments " - Adaptation

by Oumaima Bahri

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Distribution +
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"Fragments" is a show that deals directly with the theme of the "body" and its states of mind, a show that is intended to be intimate and intimate, giving the dancer the opportunity to reveal her anxieties, her frustrations and her unspoken words to the audience with a direct and subtle discourse, allowing her to engage the spectator directly in her cause.

When the body becomes a mechanical object, however sensual and sentimental it may be, it aspires to the eternal quest for the other and to a much desired permanent comfort.

When this body embraces fury, the peregrinations of the soul become a sounding board. The immediate relapse of the body makes it find its much sought-after and hoped-for anchorage.

Fragments of the body are revealed, gradually telling a personal story and reconstituting themselves in order to surrender to the self and to the other in all intimacy.


35 minuts

Price information

Free on our Facebook Page L'Art Rue -الشارع فن
