Conference "Impact of Art on the psychological well-being of children"

Tuesday, 18 february - 2:00 PM

L'Art Rue

Production +
Partners +

This public conference has as its theme the “Impact of Art on the psychological well-being of children” and is part of the activities of the “Art and Education-Deconstruct violence through Art” program led by the association L'Art Rue since 2012.

“Bringing art into someone's life through activities such as dancing, singing or going to museums and concerts gives us an additional key to improving our physical and mental health,” says the doctor Piroska Östlin, WHO Regional Director for Europe after the publication of a report on the positive impact of art on our well-being.

A first round table organized by L'Art Rue and welcoming representatives of civil society, the Ministry of Education and Regional Childhood Protection was held in April 2018 around the theme "Inventory of violence against children ”.

This second conference follows on from this first period of discussion and initiates the lines of thought for the conference scheduled for January 2021 when we publish our summary report on the work carried out in 2 public schools in the medina of Tunis on the question of the deconstruction of violence in schools by Art.

Practical information

February 18, 2020 at L'Art Rue

Price information

Free of charge, enrolment in advance


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