Noise, silence and what’s in between
by Sarah Hamdy
All-Around Culture - ثقافة داير ما يدور is co-funded by the European Union and implemented by Culture Resource (Lebanon), L'Art Rue (Tunisia), MitOste.V. (Germany) and MMAG Foundation (Jordan).
She participated in several exhibitions and art events since her graduation from The Faculty of Fine Arts, Egypt 2009. She worked as a program assistant at MASS Alexandria Foundation 2016 and mentored a sound performance workshop at Radio Corax Foundation, Germany 2019.
The project aims to promote and value sound art in Egypt. During the project Sara Hamdy will conduct and record interviews with Egyptian sound artists and practitioners interested in sound practices/studies in their work, she will organize sound creation workshops mentored by different sound artists, historians, and writers. She will also create an evolutive and participative online platform to present Egyptian sound artists.
> About Sara Hamdy
Sara Hamdy is a visual and sound artist who lives in Cairo. Her research-led, practice-based art projects revolve around the potential of sound as a medium within contemporary visual art.