International artistic cooperation: L'Art Rue in Senegal for Turn2Lab2, from 24 to 27 March 2023.

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In the framework of #Turn2Lab2, an international artistic cooperation project, L'Art Rue was present from March 24th to 27th in Senegal for a road trip from Dakar to Saint-Louis under the theme of The art of connecting to oneself, to others and to the environment.

From theory to practice, the aim during these 4 days was to articulate theory to practice, by inviting researchers, entrepreneurs, cultural actors, institutions, traditional practitioners and artists from Europe and Africa to experiment with knowledge, tools and methods. The objective was to link diverse knowledge to actions and initiatives on the territory. How to build the human? How to rebuild the dignity of communities? These are all questions to which Turn2Lab2 tried to provide practical answers by exploring different local initiatives with the participants.

From 29 to 31 May 2023, L'Art Rue will host TURN 2 LAB#3_TUNIS on the theme "Is the climate crisis also a crisis of the imagination?

An opportunity to bring together in Tunis curators, artists, thinkers and activists from Africa, the Middle East and Europe who could put the cultural and political struggle to save "the Earth of which we are part" at the heart of their cultural, intellectual and/or civic practice. To bring them together and allow them to engage and exchange for three days in a common space, in a city at the heart of the MENA region and the Mediterranean at the same time.

TURN 2, a programme of artistic cooperation between Germany and African countries, is in its second edition.

Practical information

From 24 to 27 March 2023 in Senegal


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