Chargement de la programmation en cours...

missa luba (working title)

by Sammy Baloji

Friday, 22 september - 5:00 PM

Saturday, 23 september - 5:00 PM

Sunday, 24 september - 7:00 PM

Sunday, 24 september - 5:00 PM

Centre Culturel Bir Lahjar

Distribution +
Production +
Partners +


With his missa luba (working title), Sammy Baloji plunges us into the history of the Kongo kingdom from the 15th century, slavery and the evangelisation of Africa. The missa luba is a version of the Latin mass using traditional Congolese songs developed by a Belgian missionary in the mid-twentieth century. 

This music, whose very existence testifies to colonial domination, is in dialogue here with the great historical figures of the Kongo kingdom. We become clear-sighted witnesses of the first contacts and diplomatic exchanges, alliances and misalliances, and quickly of colonial strategic issues and enslavement. Two timeframes collide, taking us back to past colonisation and Africa's current political and economic reality. This is a much-needed creation, supported by a fascinating theatrical and musical performance.

Practical information

Bir Lahjar Cultural Centre (map)

Sep. 22 - 23 at 5pm

Sep. 24 at 5pm & 7pm

Open to all public

Language : French without surtitles. The text translated into Arabic is available on this page thanks to QR code.


50 mins.

Price information

Single price: 5 DT

Reduced rate: 3 DT for students & children < 12 years old

Free for residents of the medina upon presentation of an ID 
