Chargement de la programmation en cours...

Good Mourning !!

by Feteh Khiari and Houcem Bouakroucha

Tuesday, 03 october - 5:00 PM

Wednesday, 04 october - 5:00 PM

Thursday, 05 october - 5:00 PM

Friday, 06 october - 5:00 PM

Saturday, 07 october - 5:00 PM

Sunday, 08 october - 5:00 PM

Ancienne église Sainte-Croix - Presbytère

Distribution +
Production +
Partners +


What remains of the hope brought by the Tunisian Revolution for the country’s youth, those who were between 18 and 20 years old in 2011 ? What is the reality of their daily lives today ? What are their desires, aspirations and frustrations ? How do they view society, the country, freedoms, religion, and their future ?

Oscillating between deep happiness and despair, Good Mourning sheds light on the exchanges and intimacy of an abandoned youth. Inspired by their experience, two dancers take us to witness and reconstruct through their bodies and their reality as a ritual to mourn a life sacrificed. A poignant work that painfully reminds us of our failures.

Practical information

Rooftop of the Old Sainte-Croix Church (map)

Oct. 3 > 8 at 5pm


45 mins

Price information

Single price: 5 DT

Reduced rate: 3 DT for students & children < 12 years old

Free for residents of the medina upon presentation of an ID 
