Chargement de la programmation en cours...

A Day is as Long as a Year

by Mounira Al Solh

Friday, 22 september - 2:00 PM

Saturday, 23 september - 10:00 AM

Sunday, 24 september - 10:00 AM

Monday, 25 september - 10:00 AM

Sunday, 01 october - 10:00 AM

Monday, 02 october - 10:00 AM

Tuesday, 03 october - 10:00 AM

Wednesday, 04 october - 10:00 AM

Thursday, 05 october - 10:00 AM

Friday, 06 october - 10:00 AM

Saturday, 07 october - 10:00 AM

Sunday, 08 october - 10:00 AM

Association des Anciennes ُdu Lycée Rue du Pacha

Partners +

A day is as long as a year (2022) is a mixed media work whose title draws inspiration from words uttered by the artist's maternal grandmother, and meant to criticise the rapid rhythm of life. 

This collectively embroidered tent is the product of over 30 women's explorations of their respective personal histories and heritages. It replicates the imperial tent of nineteenth-century Qajar monarch Muhammad Shah, refiguring a symbol of power and sovereign authority that was often the exclusive domain of men as a venue of shared empowerment, creative respite and solidarity for women embroiderers.  

The series She, They, We All Had It With The 99 Names Of The Flower (2022), is a selection of banner-like tapestries that carry portraits of prominent women from the Arab and broader Islamic world. The portraits focus on each woman's first name and the meanings behind it.

As part of this project, we are organising a series of workshops for the closing weekend of the Dream City festival at the premises of the Alumni Association of Rue du Pacha  :

>> Friday 6 October from 11am to 1pm

A participatory workshop combining voice, breathing and embroidery techniques based on Ibn Qayyim el Jawziyya's 99 words of love. 

This free workshop is open to all feminist audiences (regardless of gender). The session will be mainly in Tunisian Arabic, with instructions in French and English. Participants are welcome to express themselves in any language they wish. The workshop will be guided by Bouthayna Hosni and Jihene Souabni.

>> Friday 6 October from 2pm to 6pm

>> Saturday 7 October from 10am to 6pm

Open space to discover participatory embroidery with embroiderer Jihene Souabni. 

The work produced over the 2 days will be brought together at the end of the day to form a participatory tapestry.

>> Sunday 8 October at 11am 

Hanging of the participative work in the Alumni Association of Rue du Pacha.

Practical information

Association des Anciennes ُdu Lycée Rue du Pacha (map)

Sep. 22 from 2pm to 6pm 

23 Sep. > 8 Oct. from 10am to 6pm

Workshops time :

Friday 6 October 2023 from 11am to 1pm

Friday 6 October 2023 from 2pm to 6pm

Saturday 7 October 2023 from 10am to 6pm



Price information

Dream Pass Day for 5 TND

The workshops are free of charge


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