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Adnen El Ghali

Adnen el Ghali is an architect, urban planner, graduate in political science and holder of a doctorate in history. He is a member of the Association for the Safeguarding of the Medina (ASM) of Tunis and of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), and works as a consultant in territorial and urban studies. He is a consultant in urban and territorial studies. His research focuses on urban governance, especially security and migration, as well as on territorial attractiveness and tangible and intangible heritage.

A  former fellow of the École française de Rome and Stipendium Academiae Belgicae in Rome, he is affiliated with the SociAMM Research Centre of the Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB) and the research unit "Sweden and the Mediterranean World (1600-1900)" of the University of Lund (Sweden), where he contributes to work at the crossroads of urban history and the history of relations between Europe and the Muslim worlds.

His latest publications include the "Study on Urban Security in the Medina of Tunis", co-authored with Yassine Turki and published in the DIGNITY Publication Series on Torture and Organised Violence, No. 22, in 2018, the editing of the book Holy Cross. Un patrimoine méditerranéen au cœur de la Médina de Tunis, published in 2019 and produced with the photographer Axel Derriks and the article "The protection of sub-Saharan migrants in Tunisia: community responses and institutional questioning" published in the Journal of the British Academy in May 2022.
