Fakhri el Ghezal

Born in 1981 in Akouda, Tunisia. Fakhri El Ghezal - Weld Hlima is trained in engraving, photography, and videography. His work shapes the body’s various resonances by incessantly moving back and forth between the memory of the flesh and those of images. Revolving obsessively around faces, images, bodies and photographic objects, El Ghezal mines gestures with a patience that resembles a farmer waiting the slow emergence of fruit for harvest.

For his latest exhibition, "Etat Second" at La Boite a place of contemporary art, he was accompanied by an eponymous monograph with a text by Mohamed Ali Berhouma for his alter-persona” Ibrahim Matouss”, followed by a publication of photo books edited by Bao Books with Siwa Plateform as a participation in the documenta 15.

 “Ahlou Al Kahef” received The Rosa Luxembourg award and was selected at the Locarno Film Festival, at the Carthage Film Festival in 2019 in Tunisia, at the Clermond-Ferrand Short Film Festival. His photographs were presented at international exhibitions and festivals, such as the African Photography Meetings in Bamako, the Beirut Art Centre in Lebanon, the Halles de Schaerbeek and KVS in Brussels, the New Museum in New York, and MuCEM in Marseille, lately he got a monograph written.


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