Ciné-Concert Aichoucha by Khalil Epi in Marseille

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Discover the cine-concert Aichoucha, created during Dream City 2023 in Marseille !  

In his solo project "Aichoucha", Khalil Epi invites us on a journey through an immersive audiovisual show between electro-acoustic music and a 270-degree panoramic projection on 3 screens of a film he himself shot during a trip through Tunisia on the traces of traditional music still existing today.

Thus, through a general cartography of the musical forms of the different areas, the show offers us a fascinating insight into the richness and diversity of the musical culture of each region, carrying spectators on an exhilarating musical journey across the country.

On stage, accompanied by his machines and synthesizers, he harmonizes and electrifys the filmed images and makes the music dance to the rhythm of the images.

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14 June starting from 10 PM



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