Radouan Mriziga

Radouan Mriziga is an artist from Marrakech based in Brussels. Fairly quickly, he began to focus on his work as a choreographer creating his first solo 55 (2014), followed by 3600 (2016), 7 (2017), and 0. (2019) - performances in which he addresses dance through the prism of architecture.

 In his works, he explores the relation between space, architecture, the body, and its connection to mind and intellect, and, more recently, the use of performance as a tool to produce and share knowledge about forgotten and repressed narratives. From 2017 - 2021 he was an artist-in-residence at the Kaaitheater in Brussels and since 2021 he is an artist-in-residence at De Singel - International Arts Centre in Antwerp, Belgium. Since 2017 he is an associated artist of Something Great in Berlin. His performances and choreographic installations have been presented across Europe, North Africa, South and North America.
