Chargement de la programmation en cours...

Daght Jawi

by Lawrence Abu Hamdan

Saturday 6 April 2024 at 7pm

Le Planétarium de Bruxelles

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Listening to a soundtrack of violence on a daily basis.

For one year, Lawrence Abu Hamdan kept a diary of the sweltering skies above Lebanon. During the same period, he made more than 40 videos of Israeli fighter jets and other unmanned aerial vehicles. Using this material as well as live audio, he recreates the atmosphere of this roaring sky in the Brussels planetarium.  A performance evoking life under the sounds of violence, under a sky that is continually changing. From imminent danger to relative calm, from free to occupied, from something that can be ignored to fatal.

Practical information

The Brussels Planetarium (map)

Saturday 6 April 2024 at 7pm 


40 min.
