Chargement de la programmation en cours...


by Selma and Sofiane Ouissi

Friday 12 and Saturday 13 April 2024 at 7pm

Thursday 11, Friday 12 and Saturday 13 April 2024 at 7pm


Distribution +
Production +


A quiet plea to take care of all living things.

 A magic square, a dancer, and two birds. Bird invites us to reflect on our relationship with all living things. How can we consciously share a space together? What are the consequences of this togetherness? What ‘ways of being’ are being created? Can interaction be a starting point for a choreography?

Dancer and choreographer Sofiane Ouissi moves across a geometric square, taking account of the other bodies that are moving through the same space. He embraces an encounter with two birds, without trying to control or tame them. Large gestures are unnecessary, receptiveness is found in the little things: the sound of flapping wings, in heartbeats that engage in dialogue with each other.

Practical information

Mercerie (map)

Thursday 11 and Friday 12 April 2024 at 7 pm

Open to all public  

Presence of pigeons - Not recommended for ornithophobes 


50 mins


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